[ 미드영어 모던패밀리 ] ~30MIN
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1. if you leave / how will i ever finish? : 너가 가버리면 어떻게 끝내?
2. I thought / you were gonna take out the garbage : 쓰레기 버리러간다 말한거 같은데
3. she said / she'd be down in just a minute : 그녀가 금방 내려 온댔어
4. I'm gonna go wait in car : 차에서 기다릴래
5. If you're on your way out : 만약에 갈거면
6. We‘re just gonna buy some diapers(다이펄스) : 우리 기저귀를 사야 할 것 같아
7. I'll just take a second : 얼마 안 걸려
8. I feel you rolling your eyes at me : 너 눈알 굴리지
9. You want to just hang out? : 걍 어울리고 싶다고?
10. Do you have to just stand there? : 계속 거기 있을래?
11. You're making me feel uneasy : 너, 날 불편하게 해
12. Do you need me to get you something while I'm out shopping? : 쇼핑갈건게 뭐 사올까?
13. When my mom says/ I can ask her anything : 우리엄마는 항상 아무거나 물어보라 말해
14. I can see / why you like this : 왜 너가 이걸 좋아하는지 알겠다
15. Alex and I can't just disagree : 우린 항상 의견이 안맞아
16. She has to turn everything into a fight : 그녀는 늘 싸우려고만 들어
17. Sounds like somebody else I know : 제가 아는 어떤 사람 같네요
18. Maybe Alex doesn't want to compete with her big sister : 알렉스는 큰언니와 비교당하기 싫은 걸 수도 있어요
19. Maybe she's trying to create her own identity(아이덴디리) : 그녀만의 정체성을 만들려 하는 걸지도요
20. I wouldn't give up being myself for even one second : 나는 내 자신을 1초도 숨기기 싫어
21. Was my mom hard on me growing up? : 나 어릴 때 울엄마가 엄했냐고?
22. You've never told your son / that you love him? : 아들한테 한번도 사랑한다 말한 적이 없어?
23. I just want to say / that i like you : 그냥 내가 너 좋아한다고 말하고 싶었어
24. I couldn't wait to see : 보는 걸 못기다리겠어
25. I would like to make a toast : 건배사 할게
26. I drive women crazy : 난 여자를 좀 미치게 해
27. Everybody is going to be there : 다 거기 갈거야
28. Why are you always on me about anything? : 왜 내가 하는 거마다 뭐라해?
29. Let's start from the beginning : 다시 시작해보자
30. I'm not tire at all. I was the first one to fall asleep : 나 안피곤해. 내가 첫번째로 잠들었었거든
31. A smile from having such a good time with my friends. : 친구들하고 좋은 시간을 보낸 것에 대한 웃음이야
32. Don't get me wrong : 오해하지마
33. We satify each otehr : 우리 서로 만족해
34. That's why i need everyone's forgiveness : 이게 모두한테 용서를 받아야 하는 이유
35. Everyone's mad at me : 다 나한테 화났잖아
36. It's just that weird stuff happens at concert : 이상한 일들이 다 콘서트장에서 일어나서 그래
37. I was thinking, would it be okay : 내 생각에, 이건 괜찮을 거야
38. It may be the last time, you ever see me : 날 볼 수 있는 마지막 기회일걸
39. He won't even let me go to a concert : 그는 나 콘서트조차 못가게 해
40. I don't judge people / before I get a chance to know them : 나는 섣불리 사람 판단 안해
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* 문법 교정받은 부분은 밑줄, (link : https://wordvice.ai/proofreading)
I've had a bad cold since last Wednesday. So i couldn't do squat.
Fortunately, There were no major issue(안중요한) in my workplace. So nobody needed to cover for me.
Despite this condition, I met lots of friends. It was so tough to my body condition, but I think that was a good call.
Because, I couldn't see them for a long time.
If my cold is end, I'm going to working on my work, even my remote workday.
Looking forward to getting my better condition, I'm finishing up my diary.
Good night, everybody :)
- can't do squat : 꼼짝을 못하다
- you were gonna 동사 : 동사하기로 한 것 같은데
- There are those who see it as part of the evolution : 그들이 있다. ~로 보는 진화의 부분으로.
- net assets refer to the value of a person's assets such a houses, cars, investments and cash, minus liabilities(라이어빌리티스)
- Have ever(never) p.p 명사
- couldn't 동사 to ~ : to~하는 것을 동사하지 못하겠다
- although : 접속사 / despite : 전치사
- feel (like) ing : ~하고 싶어하는 것 같다
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